Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dear Boys

Dear Boys (and certain boy),

Girls do not, will not, and have not ever liked hearing you talk about past relationships. Or people who liked you. When you do it, it only makes me feel insecure. I feel like I'm being compared to these girls who, you professed, were falling over each other trying to get to you.

This does not make me feel lucky. This does not make me feel jealous. It makes me feel sick. It makes me feel like you "could have chosen any of those girls," but aren't I lucky, you chose me. It makes me hesitant in getting too close to you, because I don't trust you as much. You told me of all these girls in your past. What if I end up one of them sooner rather than later? It doesn't give me confidence in you, or myself.

Of COURSE I know this is not your intention (or it better not be. I will hurt you :P). I'm sure it stems from some kind of insecurity of your own, where you feel the need to tell your current girlfriend your track record so she will feel like she needs to hold on to you tighter, cause she's got something good here.

As if I need other people liking you to tell me I've got something good. I don't. I like you because you're you, not because other girls like you and I feel the need to compete with them. Talking about your past is okay, and I love hearing stories, but this is getting excessive. I feel like I know way too much about your exes, and people who liked you, who I know nonetheless. I feel uncomfortable. So cut it out.

Love you <3

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