Saturday, March 6, 2010

There is Rain Today

See title.

I have always loved the rain...and it's interesting to note just how many people that's true for. I wonder what it is about the rain? It just makes things seem cleaner, and more peaceful...

Ok, so here I thought I was going to just go on about the rain, all attempting to be deep (ha.), and I get a message on Skype. Now, I haven't had Skype very long, and I don't use it very often, but it seems like a pretty awesome thing: for free, you get to talk to you friends via webcam. Yay technology!

However, I did NOT realize random people from other countries could chat you as well. Hence, this conversation:

[03/06/10] hi
[03/06/10] how are you
[03/06/10] Amanda Charney: ...who are you?
[03/06/10] julian
[03/06/10] from uk
[03/06/10] Amanda Charney: oh. i didn't realize random people could chat me...but hi. i'm fine, how are you? :)
[03/06/10] good thnx
[03/06/10] how old are you
[03/06/10] Amanda Charney: i'd rather not tell you that, if you don't mind. i was raised suspicious, haha
[03/06/10] ok
[03/06/10] u have cam?
[03/06/10] Amanda Charney: yes...
[03/06/10] can i see you/
[03/06/10] Amanda Charney: no. goodbye. go molest someone stupider than me, please

So, you tell me; was I being smart, or obnoxious? I think I know the answer. Besides, I'd rather some random person in the UK think I was a smart ass than get molested, wouldn't you? ;)

Makes me wonder about internet's one of those dual things, ya know? Where the internet, I personally believe, is a glorious and wonderful thing, where you can keep in touch with people, talk to your awesome friends you don't usually get to see in person, and discover things from all over the world! But it's a dangerous thing too; what if someone younger and more innocent than me had gotten that same message? What if a 12 year old thought, "Oh, how cool! Someone in ENGLAND wants to talk to me!" and it all went downhill from there?

Like I said, it's a delicate balance...but really, I think if you're smart about it all, the pros outweigh the cons. I just finished video chatting with my friend who lives in another city, who I haven't seen in far too long! And I can take care of myself :)

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