Thursday, January 28, 2010

late night (or early morning) ponderings

So, it seems I have awoken at the wonderful hour of 4:00am, and I am unable to fall back to sleep.

You know, why do they call it "falling" asleep? It seems like a scary thing, like you're tumbling into some kind of abyss that you can't escape til somehing else pulls you from it, like a dream, or the sun coming in through the window, or your really obnoxious alarm clock hat forcibly drags you kicking and screaming out of a really great fantasy (oh shut up, not THAT kind of fantasy >.<). it seems like it would be such a scary thing, to let your subconscious completely take over your brain and your body, even your imagination. In sleeping, your darkest, randomest, most wonderful, and more completely bizarre thoughts are dragged out for you to see and either immerse yourself in or shrink from. You seem completely powerless over yourself.

And yet, sleep is something we all need, we all do, and we all mourn the loss of during the school year. Mabye it's because there's really good dreams thrown in there make it worth it. Maybe it's something as boring as human biology; we physically need to sleep. Or maybe it's that in sleeping, we dream, and dreams tell us what we need to know, whether we like it or not. True, some dreams tell us in the most twisted of ways; of COURSE I don't want or need all my teeth to fall out, or to accidentally forget to wear a shirt, or for a tsunami to come wipe out California. But I do believe that, just like everything happens for a reason, everyhing we dream has a purpose.

Ok, so I have no clue if any of that made any sense whatsoever, with it being nearly five now, and it was hard to type all that on my itouch, but maybe I'll be able to sleep now...?

[side note: this was on my computer, but I didn't post it til just now...]

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