Thursday, January 28, 2010

What I Realized in October

I can hardly believe it; everyone was right. They said I would get better, I would get over you, and I always thought, "No, never! How can I ever forget this pain? How can I ever move on?" (I know, dramatic, right?) BUT. Incredibly...I am better. I don't know when it happened. But I don't miss you with that awful, gut-wrenching pain anymore. I think I'm almost sadder that I'm getting over you and move down the path of forgetting, than I actually am that you're gone. It's weird. And complicated.

I don't know if my reactions to you are genuine, or just habit. I get hurt by the small things you do that show that you have a normal, pain-free life. Then I stop to think; why?! I owe it to myself to move on, not you. I've spent more than enough time and energy on you. And maybe it was worth it, maybe it wasn't. But all I know is that I'm done with that, I'm going to put my heart and energy into things that are good for me now.

I'm done.

No! I'm FREE!

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